White Label Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Services

The CleverBoss team proudly offers enterprise-level Paid Search account management services to all our agency partners. With over 20 years of experience in Digital Marketing and Paid Search, we are equipped to deliver outstanding results for your clients and stakeholders. Our expertise ensures that your campaigns meet their objectives, driving growth and success with precision and care every step of the way.

Our White Label Paid Search (PPC) services cover:

Ad Channels

  • Paid Search Ads:
    • Keyword list research and development
    • Responsive Search Ads copy creation and testing
    • Ad Extensions creation and updates
    • A/B Tests
  • Shopping Ads
    • Standard Shopping
    • Local Inventory Ads Campaigns
  • Display Ads
    • Responsive Display Ads
    • Image Ads
    • Dynamic Display Ads
  • Demand Gen Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Performance Max Campaigns
  • App Campaigns
  • Paid Search Ads:
    • Keyword list research and development
    • Responsive Search Ads copy creation and testing
    • Ad Extensions creation and updates
    • A/B Tests
  • Shopping Ads
    • Standard Shopping
    • Local Inventory Ads Campaigns
  • Display Ads
    • Responsive Display Ads
    • Image Ads
    • Dynamic Display Ads
  • Demand Gen Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Performance Max Campaigns
  • App Campaigns
  • Sponsored Products: Ads that promote individual product listings in Amazon search results and product detail pages.
  • Sponsored Brands: Ads that feature a brand logo, custom headline, and multiple products, typically appearing in search results.
  • Sponsored Display: Ads that target relevant audiences both on and off Amazon, helping drive awareness and engagement.
  • Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform): Allows advertisers to programmatically buy display, video, and audio ads both on and off Amazon for advanced audience targeting.
  • Video Ads: Engaging ads that appear within streaming content on Amazon, Fire TV, and other partner sites.
  • Amazon Stores: Custom multipage stores where brands can showcase their products, create a narrative, and enhance brand visibility.
  • Audio Ads: Ads that play during breaks in Amazon Music’s ad-supported tier for non-Prime members.
  • OTT (Over-The-Top) Ads: Video ads delivered over the internet via streaming services and devices such as Fire TV, targeted to reach specific Amazon audiences.
  • Custom Ads: Tailored ad solutions designed for large-scale advertisers looking to drive broad awareness and engagement, often utilizing Amazon’s advanced targeting capabilities.
  • Skippable In-Stream Ads: Ads that play before, during, or after a video, with the option for viewers to skip after 5 seconds.
  • Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads: Ads that must be watched in full before a viewer can access the video, typically lasting 15-20 seconds.
  • Bumper Ads: Short, non-skippable ads lasting up to 6 seconds that appear before, during, or after a video.
  • Video Discovery Ads: Ads that appear in YouTube search results, related videos, and the YouTube homepage, inviting users to click and watch.
  • Masthead Ads: Premium ads featured at the top of the YouTube homepage for 24 hours, designed for massive reach and brand awareness.
  • Overlay Ads: Semi-transparent ads that appear on the lower 20% of a video while it plays (desktop only).
  • Outstream Ads: Mobile-only video ads that appear on partner sites and apps outside of YouTube, expanding video reach beyond the platform.
  • YouTube Shorts Ads: Ads that appear in YouTube Shorts, the platform’s short-form vertical video format, designed for mobile engagement.
  • Sponsored Cards: Interactive cards that display content relevant to the video, such as products featured within the video.
  • Display Ads: Banner ads that appear on the right-hand sidebar of videos on the YouTube desktop site.
  • Responsive Display Ads: Ads that automatically adjust size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces across the network. Advertisers provide headlines, descriptions, images, and logos.
  • Image Ads: Static or animated ads in various formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF) that appear across the Google Display Network.
  • Video Ads: Ads in video format that can appear on YouTube and other video sites within the Google Display Network.
  • App Promotion Ads: Ads designed to drive app downloads and engagement, appearing on websites, apps, and YouTube.
  • Gmail Ads: Interactive ads that appear in the Promotions and Social tabs of Gmail, allowing users to expand the ad to view more content.
  • Rich Media Ads: Interactive ads that can include multimedia elements like video, audio, or advanced animations to engage users more deeply.
  • Native Ads: Ads that blend seamlessly with the content of the host site, appearing as sponsored content that matches the look and feel of the surrounding articles.
  • Discovery Ads: Ads that appear on Google Discover, YouTube Home feed, and Gmail, designed to reach users in the moments they are exploring content.
  • HTML5 Ads: Interactive and animated ads built using HTML5 technology, offering dynamic and engaging content for users.

Benefits of White Label Services:

  • Scale Effortlessly: Expand your team seamlessly as you onboard new clients.
  • Access Fresh Talent: Tap into a continuous stream of innovative ideas and skilled professionals.
  • Minimize Onboarding Costs: Reduce expenses associated with hiring and training.
  • Accelerate Learning Curve: Leverage the expertise of top-of-the-line professionals for quicker results.
  • Tailored Solutions: Receive services customized to meet your current needs and objectives.
  • Save on Employee Benefits: Avoid the additional costs associated with full-time employees.

Whether your SEM team needs an extra set of eyes on your digital marketing campaigns or you require comprehensive management of PPC accounts, including strategy and execution, we are ready to step in. Our goal is to partner effectively and add significant value to your business, ensuring success both in the short term and long term.

Inquire About White Label SEM Services Now!