A regional furniture retail brand with a strong brick-and-mortar presence reached out to us for a Google Ads Audit. Their main complaint was lack of traction and hence a soft ROAS: 

Initial audit revealed a few main issues with the account. 

  1. There was a duplication of Conversion actions which meant the performance numbers were inflated and had to be de-duped. 
  2. There were more than 10 Shopping campaigns with identical products. 
  3. Some high-spending Search campaigns were opted-in to Display network. 
  4. Almost 90% of the ad spend was consumed by traffic coming from Mobile devices while Desktop has a 7X stronger conversion rate. 
  5. Bid strategies were not set up based on the goal of each campaign thus spending advertisement funds without a focus.  
  6. Branded campaign wasn’t capturing all the available search volume. 

Once our team had taken over the account, the heavy lifting began:  

  • Conversion tracking was buttoned up to ensure we optimized to the accurate performance metric. 
  • We corrected the Shopping Campaigns structure with an aim at Mid-lower funnel queries. 
  • Ensured that Display campaigns were separate from Search. 
  • Utilized accurate bid Strategies for each of the campaigns depending on its goals.   
  • Branded campaign was optimized to capture all available traffic while remaining profitable. 
  • Device bid adjustments were implemented to pull-back on the unwanted spend. 

Results, first 30 days into the optimizations, Pre/Post: 

Campaigns Screenshot 

  • Impressions and clicks grew as we scaled up confidently across the new strategically set-up campaigns. 
  • ROAS increased by almost 52% MoM 
  • Revenue grew 5 times!  


It was incredible just how much profit was left on the table due to a lack of strategy and wrong campaign settings. 

To date, we have generated for this high-ticket luxury brand over $6 Million in Online Revenue at a ROAS of $4.